Revere Pewter is one of the most popular paint shade over the last ten years. The reason why so many people go for this shade is because of its versatility. Revere Pewter can be paired with a lot of other shades as well as interior decoration and it always produces something unique.
But the question arises, is there any Sherwin Williams Gray which is comparable to the revere pewter?
Some of the closest gray shades of Sherwin Williams include Repose Gray, Accessible beige, Agreeable gray and Worldly gray. But the closest of them all in my opinion has to be worldly gray. They have extremely similar undertones, LRVs and depths.
What Are The Properties Of Revere Pewter?

Revere pewter falls in that unique category of being considered both gray and beige. It comes in that category of colors which are called greige.
While determining the characteristics of a color, you have to keep in mind a couple of things.
The first factor is the LRV, which stands for light reflectance value. This determines the amount of light a particular shade is going to absorb and reflect.
For the revere pewter this value stands as 55/100. This number means that this shade stands almost at the middle of the scale, not too dark and not too light.
The second factor is its undertones. Not all gray means gray, some shades react differently to the surrounding light, room and interior design which showcases some slight hues hidden in the color.
For the revere pewter, it has slight green undertones while some people also think it has a slight purple undertones.
Which Sherwin Williams Is Closest To Revere Pewter
Out of all the greige family of Sherwin Williams, worldly gray is the most similar to revere pewter. Not only do they look the same on a computer screen, but their characteristics are also very similar.
While revere pewter has an LRV of 55, worldly gray has an LRV of 57. And while the revere pewter has green and possibly purple undertones, worldly gray also boasts of the same.
What Colors Are Similar To Revere Pewter
This question is a little tricky to answer. Almost everyone perceives colors in a slightly different manner. And a color like revere pewter, which changes its hues ever so slightly in different circumstances, deciding the colors which are similar to it is quite difficult.
To start off we have to look at the greige family of colors in general, then look at their LRVs and the undertones which they give off. In this case I have shortlisted some shades of different manufacturers which are pretty similar to revere pewter.
Some similar colors to revere pewter include agreeable grey, accessible beige, worldly gray, repose gray and edgecomb gray.
While revere pewter leans more towards beige, agreeable gray and repose gray edge more towards gray. Similar all of the rest edge more towards beige, other than accessible beige which leans even more towards beige.
All of these colors are between the range of 57-63 in terms of their LRV values which is pretty close to the 55 of revere pewter. But the worldly gray is the closest at 57.
What Gray Compliments Revere Pewter?

As I mentioned before, revere pewter is extremely versatile and can complement with a lot of shades depending on the room lighting, size and décor. It all depends on what your preference is.
For example, if you are looking for a more earthy tone you can try the silver gray and mink by Benjamin Moore. These colors will bring out the beige and warm cozy undertones from revere pewter.
On the other hand if you are looking for an accent color in earth tone, you can check out the Chelsea gray by Benjamin Moore. Similarly, raccoon hollow and winding vines, both from Benjamin Moore will bring out the beige and slight green undertones of revere pewter.
If you want your room to be a little more lighter, then even lighter gray or whites can be a great choice. Some of the options you can look up include soft white, cloud white and simply white.
Benjamin Moore themselves have paired revere pewter with gray shades like shadow gray which has a slight blue undertone, Amherst gray which has a slight brown undertone and Copley gray which has a slight greenish brown undertone. All of these shades can be considered gray but they complement revere pewter with a cooler or a warmer presence.
Does Revere Pewter Have Green Undertones?
Yes! Revere pewter is known for its slightly green undertones. Some people even claim that it has a slight purple undertone.
What’s A Lighter Version Of Revere Pewter
If you check Benjamin Moore’s color preview, each and every one of the colors have a slightly lighter and darker options. But for revere pewter there is no such option. This is because it isn’t part of this color collection.
Because of this, revere pewter has no lighter or darker versions of itself. There are other colours from other manufacturers which can be passed off as a lighter version but that is for you to decide.
One of the best lighter shades of revere pewter is considered to be edgecomb gray. On the other hand northern cliffs can be considered to be a darker version.
Is Revere Pewter Too Dark?
Revere pewter is considered to be neutral, but at the same time it changes forms with different lighting and other factors such as room size, complementing colors, furniture, flooring etc.
For example, if you paint a wall in a corridor with revere pewter and if there is no natural light. The entire corridor will look dark and lifeless. But at the same time, with the right lighting revere pewter can bring a warmth to the entire place.
If you pair it with a lighter color like a shade of white or turquoise, it wouldn’t seem dark at all. On the other hand, it will complement that lighter color.
What Trim Color Goes Well With Revere Pewter
This is also a question which depends on your preference entirely. It depends on the look you are going for and whether you want a lighter or darker trim. But there are options for both of these preferences.
In terms of a lighter color, white dove is people’s favorite. I think most of the people who have used revere pewter must have considered white dove to be the trim color. I would also suggest edgecomb gray as it gives a lighter look when compared to revere pewter.
For the lighter colours I would also suggest, Benjamin Moore’s Decorator’s white which has a slight gray undertone and simply white which has a slight yellow undertone. You can also consider the extra white by Sherwin Williams.
If you are going for a warmer or a darker look then I would suggest, try gray mist by Benjamin Moore.
In Conclusion..
Revere pewter is one of the most versatile shades out there which can also be seen by its extreme popularity.
Although the shade is not at its peak of popularity anymore, it is still considered to be a great choice.
The colour has slight undertones of green and possibly purple which can add a lot of character to a room if used correctly.
Although there are no shades which can exactly match revere pewter, some can be considered to be pretty close.
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