A leaking dryer is not only a source of frustration but it can also result in additional problems in your household like mould, water damage, short circuits and mildew. A damaged dryer can also lead to a lot of headache especially during the winters or in the rainy season. So what should you do if this happens with you?
The first step in solving any problem is to look for the possible reasons why it must have happened.
I have found there are some pretty common reasons why your dryer might be leaking water on the floor including a blocked exhaust system, insulation issues with the dryer vent line and holes in the ventilation duct. Most of these are quick fixes and don’t require a brand new dryer.
Let’s take a look at how you can pinpoint this problem and what you can do about them.
Why Is Water Is Leaking From My Dryer?

Leakage in dryers is actually a pretty common issue and some of these are pretty easy to identify.
Two main sources of leakage is either through a water drip from the external vent or condensation in the drum. But the faults which can lead to these two occurrences can vary.
As soon as you see any water dripping from your appliance it is best to just stop using it for the time period as it can lead to short circuits in the machine and even your house.
Make sure the appliance is switched off and remove the plug from the socket before opening it.
Problems With The Dryer Vent
Blockage In The Vent
Like with a lot of appliances, there is a tendency for a dryer to overheat while it is being operated.
To prevent this, there is a dryer vent through which the hot, moist air travels from the dryer drum through the vent and finally outdoors.
This hot air tends to be very moist and sometimes contain small amounts of dust and lint which can block the vents over time.
This moisture and lint over time can form a thick paste which tend to block the exhaust system.
The hot air might be able to escape for some times but the moisture will collect and finally start leaking.
Configuration Error In The Dryer Vent
If there are a lot of twists and turns in your vent pipes then there will be more places for moisture and lint to collect and over time because of condensation there will be water collection in those areas.
This is one of the reasons why it is recommended that you route the dryer’s vent through the roof or anyplace outdoors.
You shouldn’t route them to your garage or a closed room as it can further lead to more issues.
If your exhaust system is releasing hot, moist air in an enclosed place then that room is also in danger of mould or fungal problems over time.
It can also be very difficult for you to access the vent pipes to check for any problems.
Insulation Issues
If you are living in a colder region then you have a higher chances of facing this issue.
When the outside temperature is cold and hot air is moving through the vents then improper insulation can lead to faster condensation and therefore faster water collection.
Damage To The Vent Pipe Itself
Over time, most pipes and equipment become more prone to damages and cracks.
This becomes fairly recognizable when you are dealing with pipe that carries gases or liquids through them.
If there is already small amounts of water collected in the vent pipe and there is a crack on it, then water leakage can occur pretty quickly.
But the good thing about this issue is that it is fairly easily recognizable as the leakage will be from a particular spot from the pipe.
If this is the issue then I would recommend replacing the entire pipe as soon as possible.
Vent Pipe Flapper Not Working Properly
This issue is not there with every model of a dryer, but some models have a flapper at the end of their vent pipe installation.
The flapper is meant to work only when hot air is coming out of the vent.
If the vent is not being able to close when the dryer isn’t working then there is a potential for outside elements to get in.
This can increase the chances of a leakage.
So if it has rained recently in your area or if there is a high chance of dew or snow then you should take a look at the flapper if your model has one.
Problem With The Water Collection System
A lot of dryer models have a condensation water collection system.
They pump any extra water away from the dryer in case the collected amount exceeds a certain limit.
There is usually a condenser with a small hole behind it which leads to a container.
This mechanism can be very prone to leaking and if this happens there are some very easy fixes which might solve this problem.
Some people with this type of dryer also complain of some leakage through the metal plate at the back.
This can be due to some simple condensation.
How To Fix A Leaking Dryer
- If you are facing the first issue of blocked exhaust vent, then the first thing you should do is to clean your vent pipe with a brush. Make sure that you have removed all the dust and the lint before turning the dryer on again.
- If there is a configuration error than you should make sure that the piping is as straight as possible. This will reduce the points at which water can collect and lead to leakage. You should also pay attention to the material which has been used for your piping. If it is plastic or any ribbed material, then you should consider switching to metal.
Ribbed materials can lead to more surface areas for the water and moisture to collect and start leaking.
Metals on the other hand will make the condensation slower so less amounts of water will collect over time. These might be a bit more expensive than the plastic options, but you will thank yourself later.
Another tip to consider is that your duct length should never be more than 25 feet as it will give more time for the hot air inside the vent to cool down and condensate.
But it might also be the case that reducing the vent length is just not possible because of the position of the dryer in your house, so you can use a dryer booster to increase the flow of air inside the vent.
This will reduce the chances of the air condensing inside the vent and reduce the chances of water leakage. You can get this dryer booster at most of the home depo stores.
For the time being you can just clean the piping either yourself or use some professional help to completely dry it out.
- In terms of insulation issues, make sure you insulate the entire vent pipe and not just some parts of it. You should do this preferably before the winter season to protect the inner lining of the pipe pre-emptily.
- If there is a problem with the collection system, then the first thing you should do is clean the hoses in the pump. You can use a bottle brush if you have one. Other than this, you can also check the pump and the level switch are working properly. There might also be some cracks in the condensate tanks.
These are some of the most common reasons for any leaks to happen to your dryer and some of them are pretty easy to fix.
The first thing to remember when dealing with any electronics is to plug it off from the socket and be very careful about touching any components.
If you are not comfortable with handling electrical items, then I would highly recommend calling a professional.
And if you are having problems with isolating the cause of the leakage, don’t hesitate to call the customer service of the company.
Although a dryer leaking water on the floor can be frustrating, the common causes such as a blocked exhaust vent are easy to fix. Simply removing the built up and lint can have your dryer working as good as new in no time
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